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The Salon The third zone also has 6 main spaces: Auditorium, Library, Faculty, Circle, Virtue, and Lounge. The Auditorium is created to host conferences, talks, panels, workshops, screenings, and other large gatherings. This space includes interactive elements that are clickable with hyperlinks. Account login is required in order to access the auditorium, and admins can upload content for viewing. The Library is created to showcase catalogues and archives of digital content and include interactive elements that are clickable with hyperlinks. Account login is required in order to access the library, and admins can upload content for viewing. Faculty, Circle, Virtue, and Lounge are all meeting spaces.

Explore The Salon


The Auditorium is the main large gathering space of Optiverse, the main stage is designed with hierarchical platforms, inspired by natural forms.



This design is inspired primarily by nature, and ancient architecture (especially ancient Egyptian/Kemetic).



The Virtue includes the large platform where users can interact, a biomimetic inspired striated shell structure above it, and interactive media screens for sharing content.



The Circle is a room that innovates traditional events by combining visionary leadership through a series of pioneering themed briefings, workshops, and round-tables.



The Lounge is a space that acts as a very flexible area that can be either divided into smaller spaces or opened up as one big space.



The Faculty is a space to further expand the understanding of research and case-studies, it will be provided with facilities to accommodate workshops and seminars.



The Auditorium is the main large gathering space of Optiverse, the main stage is designed with hierarchical platforms, inspired by natural forms. This design language based on biomimetics is contrasted by the classical inspired arcade that wraps around the space. The avatar of the host can be enlarged and several features can be activated, such as megaphone, camera recordings etc. The screen is split into 3 HD screens which can showcase the live event camera positions as well as any content to be displayed.
The auditorium has 4 main components: stage, branding, product, and seating. The stage is the most visible part of the space from every angle and is the most important. The branding and product areas allow Optima and other brands to showcase and advertise within the space in more immersive ways than just showing 2D media content on the screen, it can allowing sponsoring and trading live during events.


Gallery Wall

The Gallery Wall is a feature in the metaverse that provides an immersive experience for users to showcase their digital assets.

3D Map

This is a visual interactive representation of the 3D world that users can navigate to explore different areas.

Product Capsule

A product capsule is a small, display unit for showcasing specific digital assets. These capsules can be customized and arranged to suit the user's needs.

Interactive floor

The interactive floor is an area of the gallery that allows users to engage with the digital assets in a more dynamic and immersive way.

Product Display Unit

A product display unit is a larger, more prominent area for showcasing digital assets. This could include 3D renderings, videos, or other interactive elements.

Meeting Room

The meeting room generator is a feature that allows users to create private meeting rooms for more intimate and focused discussions.

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