Pylon World is the first virtual immersive world created by Illusorr, a metaverse platform. It serves as the headquarters of Illusorr in the metaverse and offers a unique experience for users to explore and interact with the digital world.
The world is designed with a blend of physical and digital elements, showcasing the capabilities of Illusorr's technology and creativity. It is a hub for users to experience various products, services, and events, showcasing the potential of the metaverse for both individuals and businesses. Pylon World is the gateway to a new era of digital interaction, and it invites users to join in the experience and explore its offerings.
Explore Pylon
The Hall
The Hall Space in Pylon is a versatile and dynamic area within the virtual world, serving as a gathering space for users, a stage for concerts and presentations, and a platform for showcasing wearable designs.
The Pylon Auditorium is a virtual space within the Pylon world where events, talks, and discussions take place.
The Pylon Auditorium is a virtual space within the Pylon world where events, talks, and discussions take place.
The Pylon Auditorium is a virtual space within the Pylon world where events, talks, and discussions take place.
Gallery Wall
The Gallery Wall is a feature in the metaverse that provides an immersive experience for users to showcase their digital assets
3D Map
This is a visual representation of the 3D space that users can navigate to explore different areas
Product Capsule
A product capsule is a small, display unit for showcasing specific digital assets. These capsules can be customized and arranged to suit the user's needs.
DJ Booth
he DJ booth is a feature that allows users to host live music events in the metaverse.
Fashion Runway
The fashion runway is an area where users can showcase their fashion designs and collections.
Teleport Units
Teleport units are used to quickly transport users from one area of the gallery to another.